A message from the GENS Trilateral Chair holder!
Message from the GENS Trilateral Chair holder!
It’s just over two years since the GENS Trilateral Chair was launched on 10 October 2019. The two years have been a period of a steep learning curve on new ways of undertaking research, given the COVID-19 pandemic. I commend the GENS researchers for their creativity, innovation and rethinking new research methods despite the difficult conditions.
I’m glad we hosted a second multi-stakeholder workshop themed “A Gendered Perspective in Urban Household Energy Transition”, on 23 November 2021. GENS team disseminated research findings from work carried out over the last two years. These included: progress on the four GENS work packages; theoretical frameworks developed; engagements and results from two GENS Living Labs, Groenheuwel and Mathare; co-design toolkit, its features and testing process; a capability maturity model for assessing gender mainstreaming in energy projects; gender framing in energy policy in sub-Saharan Africa; and monitoring and evaluation for policy.
Additionally, the stakeholders shared their views on integrating gender in the urban household energy transition. The workshop report will be released soon.
To read some of our published works, check the resources section HERE.
Be Mesmerised!
Prof Josephine Kaviti Musango